wednesday = school! rex was coughing and had yellow boogers so i planned on keeping him home. i took him in to drop malloy off and told his teachers that he wasn't go to be in school. they both immediately asked "WHY?!" i told them he had yellow boogers and they said it was no big deal. i ended up staying with him for a while - today the school had a visit from the fire fighters and their truck. so we stayed for that. i'm really glad he didn't miss it and that i was there for everything! rex loved the truck and wasn't afraid of the fire fighter when she put on all of her gear. malloy did great, too! when the fire man asked the school what he should do if his pants caught on fire, malloy immediately shouted out "roll on the ground!" she got to get up in front of the school and show everyone how to 'stop, drop, and roll.' i was so proud!!
this afternoon, safina and emery came over to play for a bit. it was emery's birthday, so we let her open her present today! the kids had a great time playing together!! rex and safina played really nicely together, too! i don't often see rex playing with kids other than malloy. he was LOVING safina and conversing with her. they were so cute playing doctor together!!
rex and morgan :) |
playing house |
the birthday girl playing dress up with the big kids! |
malloy was coming up with some pretty ridiculous games for safina to play. at times, she looked less than thrilled! |
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