malloy went to school this morning. rex and i went grocery shopping and then went back to pick malloy up. malloy wanted to go right to bed when she got home. she didn't want anything to eat or drink. just to go right to bed. i convinced her to drink something at least. she went in and passed out. rex ate lunch and then i put him down, too. my mistake was that i put malloy down in her own bed. so rex woke her up immediately. malloy napped for about 20 minutes and rex didn't nap at all. needless to say, we had a very whiny afternoon! by dinner, rex was done. he was crying, didn't want to eat or drink, he kept telling me "i just wanna nap!" i got him to eat a little and then put him to bed - he went right out! neal put malloy to bed. he said that she called him in a few minutes after he put her down and asked "where are my pinks?" while looking right at them. he told her they were right there and she said "oh. can you take my pants off? i didn't call you in here to take my pants off, i called you in to find my pinks." she's been told many times that she is not to call us in the bedroom if she wants her pants off. she doesn't like to sleep with pants on but insists on putting them on for bed. so if we don't put pants on her she cries. then she cries 5 minutes after we put her down because she doesn't want pants on!
cutting me some cheese this morning |
such a mess at dinner!! |
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