/'atching some morning cartoons with all of his pals |
mid-morning snack on the deck |
this morning, we went to the gym and then to the farmer's market. malloy was thrilled that the kid's tent was open today and they got to do a craft! they put cheerios on a pipe cleaner and made it into a shape - VOILA! a bird feeder! we got some cookies to munch on and headed back home for lunch. the kids ate in the "bed" they made on the couch for lunch - it should not have happened. it took forever to get them to eat. naptime went well for malloy - she slept in our bed and went right to sleep. rex was in his room and was walking all over the place, read books, played with animals, etc. such a stinker! he went to sleep after about an hour and a half/ two hours. i had to wake him up from nap so we could go to a picnic at the park.
making bird feeders at the farmer's market |
the kids had a great time at the picnic. who doesn't love an afternoon at the playground!?!right when we got home, rex asked "what can i have for snack?" apparently he didn't eat enough at the picnic! also, he wore underwear at the picnic instead of pull-ups. he stayed dry the entire time - we took a few potty breaks. he did have to poop and started to go, but we got it in the potty! phew!
you would think playing for 3 hours would tire you out and make you want to sleep! it still took them forever to get to sleep. rex was up out of his bed and then malloy was crying that she was scared. i have no idea if she's really scared or if she just wants attention! hopefully it doesn't continue or worsen!!
watching the geese |
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