monday recap:
we had a playdate at our house outside. it was a hot and sunny morning and everyone had a blast playing in the pool, sprinkler, water table, and bubbles. the kids went right down for nap with no problem! we tried to play outside after nap, but it started raining and storming. instead, we took a bath and had an early dinner and bed time. bed time is, once again, a battle. malloy is yelling less that before, but she still will call to us and ask to go potty or tell us to put her blankets on. i'm not sure what to do with her!
rex licks the cheese out of the container - all of the cracker sticks are on the table still |
we got a new toy story pool! the old one had many holes in it. |
today - malloy went to school and rex and i went to the gym. once we got home, rex turned into a whiny monster! he was so miserable!!!! if one little thing didn't go his way, he was a screaming, crying, monster! he hit me out of frustration at one point but settled down after a time out. the kids did not nap today. i have no idea what was going on, but it was just not in their plans to sleep! instead, we went to the mall! malloy brought her baby and stroller and pushed her baby while i pushed rex. they were great the whole time we were at the mall! we put a LOT of happy stones in the jar when we got home!! bed time was awful!!!!!!!!!! rex was beyond exhausted and was rough-housing with neal. he started screaming when we told him it was bedtime and didn't stop for quite a while! malloy didn't go right to sleep either, but they went to sleep quicker than most nights!
my little shopping buddy |
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