just adding a quick weekend update - pictures to come soon!
friday, we played outside and then went to dinner at don patron and then to anderson's for ice cream with uncle ryan. yum! the other highlight of the day was that malloy finally got her rulers that she's been wanting. in her highlights magazine there's a "build it" section. in the most recent one, there's a girl building bridges and ramps with blocks and rulers. she was asking every day if she could have rulers. we finally found the right kind at the dollar store! phew! she was so happy to go home and build with her rulers!

saturday, the kids went to the park with neal in the morning and then grandma val and roro came to visit for a little bit before auntie andi's wedding shower. malloy was excited to get dressed up and go to a party. she was very well behaved and wanted very badly to be a part of the action. she eventually ended up helping give andrea her presents and she was also in charge of picking up all of the wrapping paper. she did great! rex was very sad that malloy and i left him. he screamed (like nothing neal or i have ever heard before) when we left and then cried himself to sleep. he was not happy to be napping without malloy in the room!!! after the shower, we went to uncle paddy and auntie andi's for a bbq. the kids loved playing with wally and with their bubbles. malloy loves when wally licks her and encourages it! she was eating chips - getting a chip out of the bowl, eating it, letting wally lick her hand clean, repeat. rex loved petting wally and painting himself with bubbles.
malloy was eyeing this napkin for about 20 minutes. it was in a basket at another table and she was inching her way over to it. she FINALLY got it and was so pleased with herself! |
being a good helper! |
this morning, grandma val and roro came over for breakfast. it was another beautiful day and we ate out on the deck. then the kids went swimming for quite a while. after nap, they swam some more and ran through their new sprinkler. uncle ryan came over for dinner. we had our first strawberry rhubarb pie of the season!! malloy was VERY excited about pie. we thought that bedtime would be a breeze because the kids were outside all afternoon, however, malloy was a trainwreck because she was way too tired to function. she ended up screaming at bedtime and wasn't allowed to read books. hopefully we get the hang of this summer bedtime stuff soon!!!
just making sure he was all dried off before putting some clothes on! |
malloy LOVES her new rulers! |
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