today was newark valley days! we started out by watching the parade and collecting a BUNCH of candy! aunt kari and addy joined us for the day!
cousins |
waiting for the parade to start |
they moved across the street with grandma and grandpa to see better |
smiley girl! |
malloy ran into a bunch of friends and they had a blast!
they had pony rides at the depot! malloy was excited about it. rex wanted to do it and then backed out and then changed his mind. he went through with it, very nervous first, but ended up liking it.
waving |
we had a family bbq tonight for dinner with grandpa don, grandma val, grandpa gary, melissa, roro and papa, aunt amy and kassie. aunt amy brought the kids some toys and rex loved them!!!
guess who |
questions and dessert |
playing with grandpa |
guess who with roro |
walking with grandpa gary to check out the band |
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