mmm peaches and cream waffle sandwich! |
i went in to check on rex and he had all his "spy gear" laid out on his bed.
modeling his new school pants |
it was a blue moon, so we had a blue moon fire at grandma val and grandpa don's. we had hot dogs and pies and smores, then sang some songs and played instruments - grandma's drum, some blocks and paper towel roll! it was a fun night!!
one's a streetlight behind us, the blue moon is on the right |
rex loves setting up his guys and having me take pictures |
special lunches are a hit! |
i had to take a picture of rex's "comic book set up" |
neal, grandpa don and grandpa gary cut down a pine tree that was by the pool. neal had to climb to the top of the tree to tie a rope on it so they could guide it when it fell. they did a great job!!
sunday morning, both kids chose their own activities that they wanted to do. rex found paint and wanted to mix colors together. and he did! for about an hour! malloy wanted to watch high school musical and write down the lyrics to all the songs in her notebook. she's a bit obsessed at the moment!!!
we had friends over to swim today - yay! fiona and brenna came over and malloy had a great time! rex swam and then went inside to play on his own. poor kid needs some boy friends!!! then they were tired out and wanted to have movie night. we haven't done it in a while so we did dinner and a movie and watched meet the robinsons.
rex was being a cuddle buddy after dinner! he loves his daddy!
the kids have been at each other a lot lately. malloy seems to be getting very snippy and bossier than normal, sometimes downright mean to her brother for no reason. we're going to start kindness charts and hopefully get some better behavior!! they're not bad kids at all, i just don't want to let the rudeness and unkind words continue. so for every 10 acts of kindness they get a piece of candy and when we get to 100, we'll go see the minion movie! we're starting tomorrow and we'll see how it goes!
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