friday 6/14: the kids filled their pom pom jars so we headed out to skyzone to do some jumping! when we got there, there was a line of school buses and a bunch of 5th graders getting out. we tried to wait in line to see if they were open to the public and a woman told us that they thought that skyzone had closed down for the class trip. we were very disappointed! rex was crying on the way back to the van. we decided to go pick out a toy and get ice cream instead! on our way to the store i had said "i'm bummed out!" malloy piped up "i'm not bummed out. i'm bummed in!" malloy picked out a riding unicorn toy and rex picked out a sully stuffed animal. then it was ice cream time! they pulled a switcheroo and rex got the blue ice cream and malloy chose green! we headed to the mall quick to return something and then went home for some lunch and a nap. after naps, it was time to drive to grandma and grandpa's house!! the kids did great on the drive down. they didn't go to sleep until after 11! yikes!!!
mmmm bubblegum ice cream |
key lime pie |
good to the last drop! |
loving her new horse |
no idea why her face looks like this! |
saturday 6/15: we had an early start - the kids were up at 5:15! after playing for a while, neal took them outside to run around and get tired out! they came in for a bath before naps and that's when rex fell and busted open his chin. malloy stayed with grandma and napped while neal and i took rex to urgent care. he got glued up and taped up and they sent him on his way! he did great!! after the doctor, rex got a toy and then we went to go get some bbq chicken at the fire station. while we waited for the chicken to cook, rex got to go inside the fire trucks! this was our first outing with just rex ever!!! he was loving the attention!! when we got back, malloy was waiting and came out yelling "rex! i missed you!" we went to grandma val and grandpa don's for dinner with great-grandpa everett! it was a fun night. the kids love the tire swing and running up and down the hill!!
jumping over grandpa |
reading with grandma |
tough guy! |
sunday 6/16: father's day! the kids made cards for all of the grandpas - they worked hard on them and were excited to give them out. we went to roro and papa hank's for a brunch and then to aunt mary and uncle gary's for a get together. we went back to grandma and grandpa's house to meet uncle ryan, aunt kari, and bella! the kids were SO excited that bella was there!!!
helping uncle morgan blow out his birthday candles |
swinging with daddy |
hanging with the big kids |
they're all riding malloy's unicorn |
monday 6/17: we had breakfast with grandma and grandpa and said goodbye, then it was off to grandma val's for a bit before we went back to buffalo. the kids were happy to be home. they watched a movie then they took every single stuffed animal they owned, piled them, and jumped on them for an hour or so!
tuesday 6/18:
playing playdoh with safina and emery |
today: we went to the gym in the morning and then headed out to the zoo with safina, emery, brooke, and ben! the kids got to play on the playground first - they were thrilled! we walked around with friend for a bit and then parted ways. we stayed at the zoo and looked at all the animals. on our way out, there was a man making balloon animals. we stopped and he made rex a lion and malloy a flower - it was very exciting for them. so exciting that they didn't sleep at all on the way home even though it was 3pm!
giddy up! |
pals |
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