saturday 4/27 - the kids helped me clean in the morning! i paid them in jelly beans :)
grandma tappy and grandpa gary came to visit!! the kids were excited all morning and malloy was itching for them to get here!! we had a nice visit and then went out to dinner. i don't know why i didn't take more pictures!!!
sunday 4/28 - it was a beautiful day!! grandma and grandpa came over in the morning to visit. grandpa helped daddy with some yard work while the kids played outside and read stories with grandma. we had our first cookout of the season for dinner. it was yummy!!!
monday 4/29: school for malloy, gym for me and rex!
another lovely outfit!! |
tuesday 4/30: we went to safina and emery's to play after the gym. the kids had a blast running around, chasing each other, and playing in the water table and sand box!!
wednesday 5/1: i co-oped in malloy's class today. she was so good!! (it's been a while since she's dropped her attitude!!)
holding hands with ben on their way into school |
puzzles before bed |
double piggy back! |
thursday 5/2: we went to gianna and kenadee's for a painting playdate. it was another beautiful day, so the kids all played outside. it's so nice to have sunshine!!
malloy originally traced her hand with paint! |
hard at work |
rex's masterpiece |
malloy's masterpiece |
friday 5/3: i co-oped in rex's class today. he's such a sweetie! he'd do his own thing and then look up and say "hi, mama!" with a big that kid!!
since it's summer, we have a new rule. if you nap, you can play outside after nap and after dinner. if you don't nap, you can't play outside and there's no tv inside. malloy napped, rex didn't. he got to sit at the door while malloy played on the slip and slide for the first time! he was not happy, but got over it and went in his room to play with his trains instead after a bit of crying at the door.
freshly trimmed mohawk |
posing |
saturday 5/4: i took the kids to the gym in the morning and then said good-bye to them for the day/night. i had a wine tour and girls overnight with my mommy friends, so the kids got daddy all to themselves! they had a lot of fun playing outside and planting flowers in a flower box.
cuddling in between us. this is how she wakes us up in the morning on the weekends. |
sunday 5/5: i came home in time for lunch and got lots of loving from the kids!! malloy was hugging me all through lunch and telling me everything she did with daddy! i got lots of love from rex, too!! after naps, (which they both took!) we went to safina and emery's for a cook-out. neal helped tony with their ceiling fan while the rest of us played outside. malloy was so excited to try out the new trampoline!! she LOVED it!!! we were there pretty late and the kids konked out when we got home.
sprinkler! |
"best friends forever" |
malloy had school today. rex and i went to return bottles and get a few things at wegmans. rex is a pro at returning bottles!!! such a good helper! then we came home and played outside the entire time in hopes that it would tire rex out so he would nap!!
we had a great time. we played soccer for a bit and then played in his world for a bit. he has such an imagination!! he was pretending that the balls were eggs and they were hatching into birds. we collected different colored birds from all over the yard for a while. we would pick up our imaginary birds and bring them to a different spot in the yard and then hide because a thunderstorm was coming. then we were going to his birthday party and i had to say hi to his friends and they all came in our "car" (which was the back steps). rex would drive and then we'd get out and collect toys. princess toys, super hero toys, super why toys. after that, we collected imaginary bugs. our super imaginary play was cut short by our neighbor. she came over with a mcdonald's play set for the kids. it was so nice of her!! then we played mcdonald's until it was time to get malloy!
despite all the outside play, rex did not nap, even with me laying with him so he would be still for a while!! little stinker! he was in his room for 2 hours!!! malloy napped, so she got to play outside when she woke up AND play outside with daddy after dinner while rex took a bath and got ready for bed. i'm hoping this sinks in quickly for him so we can have a fun summer!!!
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