
Sunday, September 30, 2012

we had another lazy day at home. we watched some movies (shrek is rex's favorite right now), played some beauty parlor, had some snacks, napped (well malloy napped), watched football, and went out for chinese food. 
on the way to dinner, malloy randomly says "i want a dollhouse for christmas". i think she's like her mommy with the random thoughts coming out of her mouth. on the way back from dinner she asked "how do i speak british?" i have no idea where she comes up with this stuff! 

the kids went right to sleep tonight. i didn't hear a peep. neal said he heard footsteps but i didn't. so i went in later because malloy was crying. i talked to her and then went to check on rex but he wasn't in his bed. i couldn't find him. i went back over to malloy's bed and he was sleeping right next to her! they had fallen asleep side by side without yelling for me or making a racket! it was very sweet!! i did move rex back into his own bed - malloy's a restless sleeper and i'm not sure she'd sleep the night with him in there. 

wrestling with daddy this morning. they were both yelling "help me! save me!"  and then jumping on him.

beauty parlor! i was really trying not  to get lipstick in my mouth and all over my teeth. i don't think i succeeded!


combing her eyebrows

rex wanted in on the action

yup - one foot is silver and the other is black

malloy even did me hair! 

rex' had his nails done, too

this is what i found when i went in to get rex from his "nap"

this was rex's fortune from dinner. i read it out loud to him and he said "my destiny is safina". how cute is that?! he has no idea what he's saying but still!  


Malloy just ran into the kitchen and said "I know how to spell clock!! C.L.O.C....O." (so close!) Then Rex came bounding in and said " letters....letters...L....O...11!" While pumping his fist in the air. He tries!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

the kids still have pretty bad colds. malloy's has gotten a bit worse and rex is getting better. i made a honey and lemon mixture and that seems to help! after a bit of playing and some breakfast, we went to the library for a bit. the kids love it there!!! we read some books, perused some books, and picked out some movies. 
after nap, we hung out and cuddled until dinner time. after dinner, we went for a walk to look at everyone's halloween decorations. we have a lot of fun houses on our street! 

honey/lemon medicine for the kids :)

all dressed up for their pretend slumber  party

we were parked under this tree - just thought it was a pretty view! 


rex LOVES green peppers! 

malloy loves red ones :)

Library antics

We're at the library and Rex is going through the movies. He pulls out Batman. On the back is a picture of Batman and wonder woman. He yells "Batman!! And....naked (looking at wonder woman). Then he puts it back and says "that's not funny anymore." I cannot stop laughing!!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

today was a school day - it was the first day of music class and red day for malloy! she was so excited to to wear her red clothes and was devastated that she didn't have red shoes to wear. when i asked the kids how school was, they replied:
malloy - i read a story about a mouse and a bear, but not a real bear, and the mouse ate a big strawberry. we were all feeding the bear. it wasn't a real bear, it was a pretend bear. it was a tissue box and we put strawberries in it. 
she also told me that gianna wasn't in school. she was super bummed about it :( 

rex - i played with a horse and a cow. (a man of many words) 

both kids made it through school - mrs. messina said that rex didn't cough much at all but his nose was runny.  mrs. w. said that malloy was fine! phew! 

we went to dinner at chili's tonight. i asked malloy if she wanted to go to dinner with daddy. and she said "yeah, and uncle ryan!" she misses her uncle! we had a great dinner. rex still isn't eating too much - i think his teeth are bothering him in combination with the cold. he was in good spirits, though! malloy did a great job eating her dinner and then we all shared a yummy dessert! that was a special treat/compromise - malloy was saying that we needed to go somewhere else after dinner to get dessert. 

it was a late night and the kids went down fairly easily. malloy had to call me in once to tell me that she was coughing. as if i couldn't hear her!! she's a bit of a drama queen, i have no idea where she gets it ;)

being silly

red day

being silly like his sister


"Ignasio minian sip" that means can I have a napkin please? Malloy is very much into speaking different languages lately.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

another quiet day. we took a trip to the park to get some fresh air. that was about it. rex was whiny, malloy was not so good about it. she turned into a mini-me and every time rex would cry (which she caused in the first place), she would say "stop. if you're going to cry, go in your room" which would only make him cry harder. it was a long day. on the plus side - rex wasn't coughing nearly as much and his nose wasn't as runny. neal saw a molar that's getting ready to poke through, i think that's a lot more of it than anything. poor bubba! 
the dolls had to eat their snack while the kids played at the park

rex making me a hot dog sandwich

he was so miserable and all he wanted was his monster hat

i asked rex what he was doing and he replied "it's almost ready!"  no idea.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

today was a very laid back day. rex is not getting any better and now had a terrible cough. i think it's time to call the doctor :( he's being a trooper, despite everything! he's just really run down. 
malloy finally got her sleep prize today!!! she was so excited to play with it. she also did a great job sharing it with rex. she's been a pretty good big sister while rex is sick! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

what a fun day we had!! this morning, we headed out to blackman homestead farms to go apple picking with friends. the kids had a blast picking apples, eating apples, and mostly playing on the hay!! they stayed awake  the entire ride home and i thought for sure they'd both pass out immediately - especially rex since he's still a little under the weather. BUT rex was causing trouble. he tore all of the decals they had been working hard to get off the wall and crumpled them up. i salvaged malloy's (it took a LONG time!) and haven't tried to uncrumple rex's yet. he did eventually go to sleep.
after nap, we played a bit and then i packed the kids in the stroller to go for a walk. it was sunny and warmer out and i needed to get some physical activity in!! our walk ended up being a jog to the park for a quick run around and then a jog back home. they loved going fast and were yelling for me to go faster - my little motivators! :) we had spaghetti and sausage for dinner and then apple pie for dessert that i made with our apples we picked!! it was fantastic!!! 

our attempt at a group photo

these girls love each other!!! 

mmmmmmmmm apple pie!! 

decorating our pumpkins we got from the farm

new boots!