let me start by saying the checklist worked!!! at least for tonight!!! she only called out once and it was just because she wanted to make sure that neal told me she did a great job at bedtime and she got all of her checks - i can't really get mad at that!! she was so proud of herself!!
backtracking...malloy had another great day at school!! a co-oping mom came out after class and told me that malloy and her daughter were holding little conversations about squinkies and such and that between the two of them they're ruling the roost - so cute!! so glad she has a peer at her level in her class!
while malloy was at school, i took rex to story time at Barnes and Noble. i used to take malloy when she was rex's age. she would sit so nice, sing all the songs, and listen to the story. rex did none of the above. i was sweating - dripping- when we left!! he was so excited and overwhelmed. when we got there we played at the train table and all of the toys surrounding that area. then, during story time, he was ALL over the place. stopping only when everyone was singing to get up on his knees, wave his arms frantically in the air, and yell (he was very excited to be there) while turning red and sweaty. after story time was over, he crawled over to the thousands of little stuffed animals, screaming "DOG, DOG, DOG, DOG, DOG, DOOOOOOOG. DOG, DOG. DOG. DOOOG!" he secured two dogs and then crawled around with them in his hands (this is why i'll never buy a stuffed animal from that place). when it was time to leave, i had to pry a dog out of his hands and he lost it. trying to buck out of my arms, wailing, with huge crocodile tears!!!! he has quite the little crazy streak - definitely my kid! i have definitely been known to run around all red, sweaty, and yelling enthusiastically and then flipping out crying over something at the turn of a hat...