bus stop shenanigans! new coats! and glasses. malloy loves to wear glasses!!!
rex's drawing of himself inside a volcano |
just hanging out drawing before school |
malloy made her own grocery list |
stockings are hung! |
the kids had a snowball dance on december 4th. rex had a half hour utter meltdown before we left because his hair wasn't right, we weren't sure he was going to go to the dance at all! malloy was ready and all excited to go but was very patient while rex cried and threw a fit. rex warmed up at the dance after a while and was running around with his buddies tyler and karmine getting all sweaty. malloy danced with kaydee for a while and then played with isaiah. they had a great time!
oh toilet tree, oh toilet tree, how lovely is your toilet paper |
rex had his first basketball game and it went better than expected! he loved playing and kept up with the pace of the game. loved hearing the coach yell "rex! stand up and dribble the ball!"
watching the game with cecelia |
excited about his shirt |
we played with playdoh after the game. it's been a long time since we've done that!!! rex was having me make 3D shapes since that's what he's learning about in school at the moment. malloy was busy constructing her own animals with toothpicks, getting them to balance and stand up.
we went to the corning sparklefest saturday night with grandma val and grandpa don. we saw reindeer, heard some christmas music, ate some hot dogs and indian food, had elephant ears, got some toys , and made some ornaments. it was a fun night!!!
sunday we went to roro and papa's to decorate their tree. rex did a few ornaments, but malloy was a big help. we stayed for dinner and had some yummy pasta and meatballs and celebrated grandma val's birthday with cake and ice cream!
our little display this year. starting small :) |
movie night after roro and papa's. |
joey had his own movie night |
malloy has been super into raising her "babies" lately. she carts them upstairs and downstairs, tucks them into bed, plays with them and entertains them. one morning, she was playing with them and rex got all excited because he remembered he had a baby doll. they started playing house. malloy came down and started setting her babies all up. she informed me that she's a mechanic and she's bringing her babies to work so she can watch them. it's easier for her to watch them because her husband's a soccer coach so he's busy. rex comes walking in "hi, honey. i'm back from the game. i scored a goal." they really crack me up some times!!
both kids got nathan t. hall of fame awards at school! so proud!
gold day |
malloy finished with swim and we got her on rex's basketball team! she was thrilled to go to her first practice and was so enthusiastic about everything she learned! she loves to just dribble the basketball during her free time. she did great at her first game, too! rex was out because he had a fever and wasn't feeling well.
after basketball, we went to grandpa gary's to help decorate his tree. malloy had a long sad spell and was missing grandma tappy extra. she cried for quite a while before being able to come out and help with the tree! she's got a very big heart and very big feelings!!
after grandpa gary's, we all went to roberson museum and met up with grandma val and grandpa don for grandpa don's work christmas party. we got to look at the trees, eat some food, had a planetarium show, got our picture taken, and got a toy! it was a fun night!!
the kids were being goofballs and posing in every room.
imitating the people in the paintings |
malloy's new toy from the museum. prancer the dog! |
it has been SO warm out lately!!!! 64 on december 13th?!
rex went to the dr. on sunday because along with his fever and sore throat, he had a rash. turns out he has strep! no school for him on monday. he was sad to miss pj day!!
another 64 degree day in december! |
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