welllll, malloy gave us quite a scare!! she was acting a little funny on the sunday after her surgery and woke up in the middle of the night spitting a little blood. in the morning she was still spitting blood. we went to the dr. to have them check her out and on the way she was spitting up clots. we were quickly admitted to the hospital and in a gown waiting for a re-cauterization surgery! while waiting, malloy threw up more clots and a whole bunch of blood. pretty terrifying!! she did great and the surgery went well. she came out of anesthesia much better. mainly just slept a lot. she had to spend the night this time to be monitored. neal stayed with her so i could be with rex. she loved being treated like a queen. she told rex when she got home "you just push a button and ask for ice cream and they bring it to you!" way to look on the bright side, malloy!!
a little pale after losing so much blood :( |
video game room! |
rex waited all day for malloy to get home!! he got her a little welcome home present!
back home and making some mac and cheese |
while we were waiting for malloy to get out of the hospital, my beautiful new neice Adalynn Kathleen was born!! Welcome to the family, sweet girl!
recouping with slushies |
excited about a new get well palace pet from grandma val |
new playroom in the works! |
we finally got to meet Adalynn!! Malloy was over the moon! She loves her cousin so much!
just some target practice |
more addy snuggles! |
malloy and bella were playing together quietly upstairs for a bit one night, malloy came down in full zebra make-up! we had to laugh!!! what a bunch of nuts!
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