my goofballs!
it's finally warm-ish out!!! we had a nice day with SUNSHINE!!! so we got out and got some fresh air and opened all the windows to get the germs out!!!
today's the day!!! time to chop off these beautiful long locks!!!! :( malloy has been asking since september for a haircut and bangs. grandma took her to get her big girl hair cut!
helping paint the dining room!
and now onto EAR PIERCING!!! grandma val also took malloy to get her ears pierced. she was very nervous because i told her it would hurt. she was crying before it even happened. we met up with aunt kari, bella, and addy. bella held malloy's hand while she got it done - she's such a great big cousin!!! once the ears were pierced, she was completely fine and said it didn't hurt at all!
the day before easter, the kids went to grandma val and grandpa don's to do their easter basket hunt and dye eggs. malloy discovered that she likes hard boiled eggs with soy sauce on them! that's how grandma and grandpa eat them.
grandpa had a fun idea and poured the rest of the egg dye in the snow!
happy easter! rex got up pretty early, so i distracted him with some tv while malloy slept. she came bounding out of her room when she woke up, hung over the banister and said "there's no time for tv! don't you know it's easter?!" the kids went on an easter basket hunt in the morning and then we got ready to have everyone over for easter and then malloy's birthday party!
malloy got a joke book from grandpa and grandma. she loves it and loved telling jokes to anyone who would listen!!
sea otter calico critters from auntie elaine |
HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY MALLOY! it was so excited in the morning with all the presents that we missed the bus this morning! it was a busy busy day!!! neal and i went in and had lunch with malloy and then i went back in to bring in birthday brownies for her friends. malloy got to stand on a chair and choose 6 friends to be her candles. she chose eric, iris, addi, cecelia, owen and cody. her friends circled around her and sang happy birthday and then she blew out her candle friends. it was adorable and she had a huge smile on her face!
sidenote: i just love rex's imagination! he had to come up with heavy and light objects at school. he drew a coin and a hippo. then he drew 2 ants that are equal weight. love to see his drawings!!!
malloy had dance and then we had chinese food and cheesecake for dessert. her choice!
malloy's teacher sent her home with the birthday bag! she got to read birthday books and got a few prizes - a pencil, a party blower, a balloon and a new book! she also got to add to the birthday book. she had to draw a picture and write a sentence about what she did on her birthday.
this week, we got ready for malloy's friend party. she was so impressed with the lalaloopsy head i made. she kept saying "i didn't know you could do that, mom!"
rex "helped" make the cupcakes for malloy's party.
party day!!! we went from knowing that 2 friends were coming to having 5 friends show up!!!! what a fun, whirlwind 2 hours!!! we ate lunch, played pin the bow on lalaloopsy, decorated cupcakes, painted and opened presents! malloy was so very happy that her friends came to her party!
malloy got her first best friend necklace from cecelia <3 |
she got to decorate her own sunglasses! |
that night, we got a visit from gianna and kenadee!!! they played and then had birthday party round 2!
gianna and kenadee slept over and they played all morning (with a bright and early 6am wake up!) it was great to see our friends!
it turned out to be such a beautiful day! malloy rode her bike to the school playground while the rest of us walked. she gave the monkey bars a shot for the first time this season and did the whole thing my herself! she was incredibly proud of herself!
warmer weather is finally here!!! we had snacks and dinner on the deck. malloy and rex rode their bikes to dance and back! i love this little town!
reading buddies before school one morning
posing! malloy loves to pick out fashionable outfits. she's too cute sometimes!!! her helmet and sneakers were too small so i had to get her new ones. she loved them both!!
rex had his buddy lincoln over after school one day. we spent most of it at the trout ponds. they loved throwing things in the creek and watching it float away the most.
our family got hit with the stomach bug! booo!!! malloy got sick on a thursday night and threw up all night and well into friday. she was finally eating crackers by 3am on saturday. it was a rough one! rex threw up once on friday night and slept the rest of the night - phew! that was his first time throwing up and i was not looking forward to him throwing up all night long! we were supposed to have grandma val and grandpa don's 25th anniversary party at our house but after rex got sick, we decided to move it to their house instead. we ended up going to the party - the kids and neal stayed for a bit and then needed rest. it was a great party and i apparently took zero pictures!!! neal ended up getting sick saturday night and i survived it!!!
resting up on sunday
rex's polar bear - LOVE it! |
malloy's name is finally up in her room!
photo credit goes to malloy on these ones:
the kids started tball! malloy loved it and rex had a really hard time with it. it doesn't start until 6pm and that's usually when we're starting to get ready for bed. he was easily frustrated and wanted to quit several times. we'll keep trying!! the second practice got cancelled because of SNOW!
gymnastics! |
since malloy got her name in her room, rex wanted his name. i painted them to go in his superhero room. he loves them!
stinker |
malloy's tooth has been loose for a long time. it's finally very loose but still not ready to come out!!! we keep trying!!
malloy is trying to write in cursive. she said that bella taught her. she's so cute! "cursive is when the letters are all connected"