tuesday 11/5: no school for mallloy today. we had a fun morning at the science museum and then a trip to wendy's for some jr. frosties!
rex drew this snail. malloy was sitting next to him and she looked over and said "wow! it really looks like a snail, buddy! that's fantastic!" he's really into drawing right now!!! |
decorating the window for thanksgiving |
she's always writing these days! |
just being silly!
wednesday 11/6: both kids went to school. the farm came to visit rex's school. he got to see and pet some animals: a llama, chicken, duck, bunny, cow, donkey. his favorite was the bunny. malloy had gymnastics in the afternoon - she's loving it!!!! she's doing handstands at home and actually staying up in the air for a few seconds!
thursday 11/7:
writing in her notebook :) |
rex fell and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table. he never stops moving!!!! this one hurt a LOT!! ouch!! |
friday 11/8: i co-oped in rex's class this morning. they are a wild bunch!!! but rex was so happy that i was there, so it was all worth it! we skipped naps and had a lazy afternoon reading books, watching a few shows, and then we had to run some errands. while we were at the back it started to SNOW!!! the kids were jumping up and down yelling, SO excited about the snow! we went to michael's so i could get some yarn and they used their dollars from their halloween cards they got from grandma tappy and grandpa gary and each bought a small toy! they were so excited! malloy picked a hello kitty velvet coloring page and rex picked a toy iguana. they were overjoyed to pick out a toy!!!
tried to capture the snow! |
saturday 11/9: malloy had a pretty bad cold so we all had a morning in our pjs. after naptime, we went to toys r us to pick out a toy because the kids filled up their 'be kind and listen'charts again! they've never been in toys r us and they went nuts!!!! it was nice to get some ideas for christmas and they were so good about picking out something for around $6 - which was daddy's rule. malloy kept asking "what's the number on this one?" meaning: how much is it? they really are pretty well behaved! malloy picked out a purse that she could color and rex got some superhero squad guys!
bonus! they got to go on a little ride! |
sunday 11/10: we had a day at home full of dress up, playing super heroes, baking, snacking, and playing with make-up!
rex modeling his eye shadow |
I love that I was thinking about you and stumbled across your blog. I love seeing pics of the kiddos and you and Neil! I can't believe how quickly time passes. Miss you much and think of you often! Email anytime aetaylor82@yahoo.com or find me in Instagram (it's the oy social network I have). Hope all is well! Xoxoxo, Allison