friday 6/7: we had a busy morning! the kids woke up, ate breakfast and then did some coloring and cutting. they watched an episode of daniel tiger, then it was onto building with marshmallows! that didn't last too long, they just ate as many marshmallows as they possibly could while they thought i wasn't looking. we had a little drum session with our marshmallow drumsticks. after that, we went in malloy's room and told scary stories in the dark with glowsticks. then it was off for a walk to find puddles! most of them had dried up and malloy was having trouble listening so we cut our walk short and came home for lunch and naps. i had to end up holding rex in my arms to get him to fall asleep! he needed to nap because we had fun plans for the night! we went to gianna and kenadee's for a cookout! the kids got to play with all of their friends - safina, emery, brooke, and ben were also there!! they had a blast!!! after dinner, it was s'mores time!! YUM!!!! it lightly rained the entire time but it was a ton of fun!!!

this was one of two puddles we found |
sleeping in my arms |
playing games while rex is sleeping (she napped while rex was fooling around) |
hot dogs! |
they were coming up with a plan for something they were going to play |
saturday 6/8: malloy got up and asked if she could make a mask. so we got right to work after breakfast making our masks! once the masks were done, malloy went off to find the perfect superhero outfit. i'm pretty sure she nailed it!! she picked out all of the components herself. :) we stayed home and played the rest of the day - it was a little cold and rainy. neal was in charge of dinner and bedtime so mommy could have some time away! thanks, neal!!! you're superdad!!!

sunday 6/9: the kids went to the park with daddy while i cleaned the house. naptime was interesting - rex was actually being quiet. i went in to check on him and his room smelled like poop. he told me he had poop in his pull-up. i checked and there was nothing there. then he showed me his fingers covered in poop - gross!! he had pulled the little poops out of his pants and threw them on the floor! fun!!! since i had no idea what he touched, i cleaned him up and washed EVERYTHING that was on his bed! he went upstairs to lay down with neal in our bed and finally napped! after naps, it was time to play outside! it was gorgeous out! we had some water play, dinner on the deck, and ice cream!
she has her own style! (yup those are gingerbread christmas socks pulled ALL the way up!) |
crazy kid |
rex was getting fed up with malloy kicking water at him. i told him to get her, so he tried! |
got her!! |
monday 6/10: we had a playdate at our new friend, oliver's, house! the kids had so much fun playing with the new toys and dancing around to fun disney music! after the playdate, we went over to visit with uncle paddy and wally for a bit. malloy LOVES wally and was putting blankets on him, throwing toys for him, and both kids got to feed him treats. rex was loving some uncle paddy QT!!! at one point while we were there, rex ran over to me and said "i have to tell you a secret!" he cupped his hands around my ear and whispered "uncle paddy has bananas." it worked - he got a banana! we didn't get home until 3pm! it was great to have plans all day! both kids fell asleep 5 minutes from home.
tuesday 6/11: nothing too eventful. we went to the gym in the morning, then stayed home the rest of the day. our fridge was finally fixed today!!! the benefit of having it out of commission was that it was so empty that i got to give it a good cleaning!!
today: we went over to safina and emery's to hang out this morning. we played outside and jumped on the trampoline a bit, then came in, had lunch, and then they played house. the kids were SO GOOD today!!! it was a good day!!
feeding rainbow |
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