thursday 5/9: we had our friends safina and emery over in the morning. it was going well until malloy refused to share a dress with safina. safina decided that she didn't want to play with malloy anymore and malloy was devastated and in tears for a very long time. i hope she learns that she needs to share if she wants to have friends!!!!
we didn't take naps today and had some time to kill on this rainy day, so we made bath paints! the kids painted for an hour! a whole hour with no fighting!!! it was so nice! they continued to play well together after bath. they quietly played with felt boards for a while and then i heard malloy asked rex "is it ok if i go play in my room by myself for a while?" it was so cute!!!!
friday 5/10: today was the kids' mother's day tea at school. they were so excited for it and so was i!!!! it was SO CUTE!! gotta love being serenaded by a group of 2 and 3 year olds! and i got the best gifts!!! love my kids!!!!
teacher appreciation gifts for malloy's teachers |
gifts for rex's teachers |
being a ham |
malloy's interview about me :) a few of these were accurate! |
my beautiful jewelry box! |
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