tuesday 5/28: it was a rainy day. we went to the gym and to wegmans. nothing too exciting.
wednesday 5/29: we went to leaps n' bounce with lena and finn this morning. grandma val gave the kids money to go to the bounce house and they were ITCHING to go!! it's all i heard on tuesday!! "can we go to the bounce house yet?!" malloy was so excited that she woke up at 4:30am and didn't go back to sleep! the kids had a great time. we ended up meeting some more friends and we were the only ones in the entire place!! it was a very nice morning! the kids even got to ride the merry-go-round! (we usually don't do it b/c i don't have cash on me) after the bounce house, we had to stop at walgreens to get pull-ups for rex before nap (which he didn't take). we ended up getting 2 small toys each because the kids have been playing very nicely together and using kind words and manners a lot lately!!! we've done away with the behavior chart and pom poms for now, so i thought it'd be a nice treat!

thursday 5/30: zoo day!!!!! we met up with gianna, kenadee, and baby myra this morning. it was a fun morning!the girls were so cute walking through the zoo holding hands and singing "make new friends" while rex ran around them putting his hands up yelling for them to stop. poor rex. he needs some boy friends!! malloy just wanted to play on the playground, but when i told her we couldn't today, she didn't melt down. i was proud of her for just going with it!! rex fell a few times, but that's typical. malloy crashed on the way home but woke up when i went to put her in her bed. rex wasn't falling asleep but was exhausted so i ended up holding him like a baby in his bed and he fell right asleep. he needs to be held still or he can't sleep during the day!! weirdo!
we played in the pool after naps but malloy quickly had to go back inside for splashing rex too many times! she was not happy but i told her the consequences. it's difficult to follow the rules when you're exhausted!!
rex was talking about the zoo at dinner. i was telling neal how rex ran into the barn to play but i had no idea and i couldn't find him anywhere (it was scary!!) then rex chimes in (talking about a different incident) "yeah, i was looking around and i couldn't find my mama!" and reached out to hold my hand. when he said 'couldn't find my mama' his face got so sad and his voice caught and his eyes welled with tears. it was so sweet!!! my sensitive little guy!
i asked malloy to clean up the books and put them back on the shelf. these are the books she put back. she told me "i organized them. if you want clifford books, they're right here. if you want these fish, they're right here. and these are here." i was amazed!!! she loves to sort and organize! |