rex pooped in his underwear at the gym today therefore there was no tv today. after i pulled my act together (it's REALLY frustrating that he's doing this - i know he's only 2, but still!), i made him a sticker chart. if he fills up all 20 stickers, he gets a toy. he did amazing the rest of the day! no other accidents! the potty chart must have been super exciting - rex didn't nap at all.
malloy was great and went along with the no tv for today rule. she did have a little meltdown when we got back from the gym. i was getting in the shower and she was crying about something. i ignored it, but she cried the entire time i was in the shower. i came down and she was crying because she wanted her shirt off. drama queen! she got over it after a while.
we took an afternoon trip to target and then came home for dinner and bed for rex. malloy got to stay up and hang out with us for a bit because she napped. she was thrilled to have some time alone with us!
rex was getting his pjs on last night . i left his shirt on his head and he said "i look like captain america!" |
playing games |
"fishing" with celery, peanut butter, and goldfish |
modeling her dress that grandma val made! |
Love this bottom one!