12/21 - the kids' had their christmas concert and parties. both malloy and rex sang their little hearts out on stage! the 2 yr olds and 3 yr olds sang jingle bells together. then malloy's class sang 'where is santa?' and 'the dreidel song'. ANS has asked the parents not to post videos and pictures with the kids in them, so until neal can work on blurring out everyone's face, no videos! :(
after the concert, rex's class sang a few more songs. or tried to...they sang 'the little snowman' and 'rudolph the red nosed reindeer'. rex sang a bit of the first song and then stood there with a blank look during rudolph - i've heard him sing the song before!!
after school, we went home quick and then were off to newark valley! the kids konked out on the way home (this is unusual!!) which made for a quick drive.
they were excited to be at grandma tappy and grandpa gary's. as usual, they came in and just started running up and down the hall and jumping on the bed. stir crazy little monsters!
joey brought some books and toothbrushes! |
writing her name on all of her friends' treats |
the bag rex made |
rex's thumbprint reindeer ornament he made :) |
playing with the camera |
today, we went to visit grandma val and grandpa don in the morning. in the afternoon, we went to visit great grandma jean, grandpa bruce, grandma diane, and aunt april. the kids got their first christmas presents!! they were shy for a short bit and then opened right up. they were laughing, singing, playing. then it was off to dinner at consol's with grandma tappy and grandpa gary. the kids were exhausted but did ok - they were using our phones for a lot of the time. i hate to have them do that, but we do what we gotta do to get through a meal sometimes!!
riding the train! |
i found rex "putting on my earrings" |
today we celebrated christmas with the boskets. malloy and rex had a blast wrestling with nathan!! they were all red and sweaty from all of the jumping and body slamming! we had a nice time and then it was off to uncle ryan and kari's house for dinner. the kids went right upstairs to bella's room to play before dinner. they play so nice together - although i guess at one point it was a little too quiet because apparently rex colored with crayon on the floor and walls. woops! sorry uncle ryan and kari!!! we put the kids in their pjs for the ride home but nope, they stayed awake! they did pretty well going to sleep, i stayed in the room with them to keep things quiet and they both drifted off quickly.
where's joey? |
don't break the ice! |
bedtimes stories with grandpa |
we had a very busy christmas eve!! the kids helped frost cookies and made some christmas tree ornaments in the morning. they had a good nap and then we got ready to go to aunt cathy and uncle joe's. the kids loved the office - it was decorated with tons of charlie brown toys and ornaments. we ate dinner and waited for bella to arrive!! i think i heard 'is bella here yet?' about 40 times in a half hour!!! aunt cathy made some punch - she called it magic potion. malloy was very interesting in watching her make the magic potion! she also loved drinking it! the kids were drinking punch and eggnog, eating cookies and candy - they were in heaven!! malloy is the best at opening presents!! she rips open the paper until she sees a glimpse of what it could be and she starts exclaiming "ooooooh! i love this! this is what i've always wanted! how did you know i wanted this?!" it's awesome!!
making sprinkle angels |
watching elf on the shelf, cuddling with their new animals |
painting project! |
making green frosting |
more art!!! |
i tried to get a good pic of both of them |
they weren't very cooperative |
first taste of eggnog - YUM! |
"this tastes like milkshakes and candy!" |
waiting nicely to open presents |
malloy was playing with bella's 'big girl' legos and said "you know why bella can do these and i can't? because i'm only 3 and 3 yr olds can't do things quite right yet". |
loving his new zoo legos!! |
putting out the reindeer food |
rex woke up first this morning. everyone else was asleep, so he came in our room and watched an episode of yo gabba gabba in our bed while we drifted in and out of sleep. i brought him out into the kitchen to eat a little something so that he wouldn't get too cranky. he's still young enough to not realize that it was christmas and santa should have come! malloy got up around 7ish and we opened presents!!! santa left stockings for the kids at grandma's house. then they got to open the presents from grandma and grandpa. malloy saw the big present and said "that's my dollhouse!" then went over to it and peeking in the bag and said "yup, it's a dollhouse." little stinker!!! i really thought that she was going to scream and be so excited! she did react that way to uncle paddy's gift - a very large princess doll! it's the biggest doll malloy's ever had. she was thrilled!!! rex loved his firehouse and immediately started playing with it!
malloy had a pretty huge meltdown after presents were opened. she was hungry and was hitting and yelling. it took quite a while for neal to calm her down!! she was fine once we got some food in her. after breakfast, we got dressed and headed to roro and papa hank's! the kids got a ton of presents - clearly nobody loves them! ;) papa gave malloy an altoids tin with coins in it. she went around and asked everyone for more coins. she collected so many that she needed a bigger container. so not only did she walk away with a ton of coins, but she got roro's charlie chips can, too!
after roro and papa hank's, we had one more christmas to celebrate with the chapman's. the kids fell asleep almost immediately in the van. rex was passed out so hard that he slept on neal during our entire dinner. we tried to wake him up about every other minute to no avail! his head was just hanging back and his mouth was wide open - tired little bubba. malloy sat on my lap during dinner and ate her pork like a little angel - she handled herself so nicely. then dinner was over and she kept asking if she could open presents and then finally, out came the "can i open another one? is there another one for me?" she was exhausted and did so well up until that point! the kids got to play with their toys for a bit. at one point they were playing in their bedroom with aunt norma. they love norma, even though it takes rex quite a while to warm up to her (just like everyone else!) rex was very attached to uncle ryan and just wanted to play with him the entire time!!
it was a long, long day! we finally said goodnight and goodbye to grandma tappy and grandpa gary and went to grandma val and grandpa don's to go to bed!
before we went to bed, we said goodbye to joey :( the kids got to give him a hug because if he lost his magical powers, it would be ok since santa could swing by and take him back to the north pole! makes sense!! i think i may have been more sad to say goodbye to joey than the kids!!
joey's last shenanigans of the season. swinging from the ceiling fan! |
giving grandma val his usual scowl |
checking out the new firehouse!! |
mustaches! |
wiped out on the way to grandma tappy and grandpa gary's! |
saying goodbye to joey! |
rex put joey in his boot so that santa could swing by and give him a lift to the the north pole |
the fun was over and it was time to say our goodbyes and head back home. the kids were being very whiny and miserable - made for easy goodbyes :) they did well on the way home - malloy fell asleep eventually. rex didn't.
when we got home, there were presents under our tree from santa! we put away all over the new toys (well, i did!) and played with them for the rest of the day!
so much stuff! |
keeping himself entertained |
santa came to buffalo! |
cinderella legos |
opening his rocket ship |
loving her new headphones |
where is this all gonna go?! |
trying out the new headphones |
we finally got snow!! the kids had a blast playing outside!!! they both took 2 hour naps today - even rex went right now without any trouble!! they needed to catch up on some sleep!!
fun with makeup |
today, we ventured out to the gym, but that was about it! we spent most of our time at home!!
blue streak |
how rex spends most of his time in the snow |
playing in the snow in the afternoon without a nap isn't so much fun |
going for a walk |
peek! |
malloy wasn't feeling well so we spent a lot of time cuddling on the couch today. rex came right over - i want a spot, too!!!
as soon as she sees the camera, she starts in with the faces! |
"monster bananas" |
munching on a waffle bowl |
sending daddy silly faces at bed time |
another sick day at home. both kids have a pretty bad cough. we laid low - played with our new toys and took down the christmas tree.
malloy's new thing is that she doesn't like anything. no matter what she's eating, drinking, playing. i know she likes it. she'll say "i don't like ___ anymore". not a fan!!
malloy took this picture - in between calling and hanging up on grandma val a few times!! |
lounging |
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