making apple cinnamon pancakes! |
puzzle pro! |
haircut day! |
peanut butter cookies with m&ms and pretzel pieces! |
goof |
look at those red cheeks!! poor bubba - those 2 year molars are taking forever!! |
we had another day at home playing with lite brite and puzzles. daylight savings was last night so we turned the clocks back an hour. both kids were up at 5:45 this morning - fun! rex is refusing to nap these days. it's been about 4 days with no nap - BOO! i need to figure out quickly how to get him to nap!! i think that while malloy's at school tomorrow, we'll take a nice long walk to tire him right out!!!
tonight, at bedtime, malloy wanted to wear her monkey footie pjs. i told her that if she could take them off and put them back on that she could wear them. she went potty and tried for about 20 minutes to put them back on. the problem was that when she took her sleeves off, she turned them inside out and could not get her arms back in. i didn't want to have to wake up to her screaming in the middle of the night because she couldn't get her pjs on, so we changed pjs. tomorrow afternoon, we can work on putting the pjs on, taking them off, and putting them back on again!
malloy has decided that she wants a haircut -probably because neal gave rex (and himself) a haircut today. she says she wants bangs and wants her hair a little shorter. i'm not so sure about that, but mrs. mcdonnell, the aid in malloy's class, is also a hair dresser. so we made an appointment with her for tuesday afternoon to get a haircut! we'll see how it goes!!
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