
Friday, November 30, 2012

the kids had school this morning. after school, malloy went right down for a nap - she looked so warn out!!! i let her sleep for a half hour while rex ate his lunch. rex actually napped today, too! he was playing for a bit - i went in to wake him up and he was laying backwards on the bed with no covers - brrr! when malloy got up, she came out while i was eating lunch and she wanted what i had. so she had half a hamburger. when she was done, i asked her "don't you want to go have quiet time in your room?" and she replied "no i just want to have quiet time out here and see what these doctors are gonna do to the hurt guys" she was engrossed in the bit that she saw! we just hung out this afternoon in our pjs. rex was very very lovey and cuddly. he kept giving me big hugs and wanted me to carry him around. rex went right to bed tonight, malloy came out a few times but went down pretty quickly. 

all dressed for pink day at school! malloy sat at the table and cut paper for quite a while this morning before school.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

time has gotten away from me! time for an update!

malloy went to school while rex and i hung out. nothing too exciting - we had a low key day after school. rex is back to not napping :(

writing her letter to santa.
"i want siamese cats. love malloy" she started on the bottom and worked her way up this time

had another lazy day - trying to recoup from our colds. we did venture out to wegmans in the morning and hobby lobby in the afternoon. 
rex put his boots on. he was being silly and had one of his boots on and one of malloy's. instead of getting mad, malloy joined in and put on one of rex's. they tromped through wegman's like this! 


i co-oped in malloy's class this morning. rex didn't nap again. in the afternoon, i rearranged the kids rooms so that they were away from the outer walls. it's getting much too cold!! rex was up a few times in the night because his head was cold - poor kiddo!  malloy took a very long time going to bed tonight. i think it's when she naps, she's very well rested and just isn't tired!!! i think we may have to do away with naps - BOOO! 

her favorite place to hang out during free play

pomegranate - our new favorite snack!

rex's room rearranged

reading christmas books

malloy's room rearranged

today we went to the post office to mail grandpa don his birthday cookies and then headed off to the museum! the kids were so excited to go! they had so much fun!! we left after the fire alarm went off for the second time -there were construction workers doing work on the other side of the museum. they triggered the alarms twice. i figured it was going to keep happening, so we headed home. malloy wasn't happy about leaving and got a little teary, but she pulled it together quickly. when we got home, we tried having quiet time instead of nap time. it went ok. they played in their rooms for the most part. i set a timer in malloy's room and told her she could come out when it went off. she came out for help with dress up stuff and then towards the end of the hour, she was just screaming in her room. she wanted help finding the other part of her belle dress up dress. i told her that it was still quiet time and that the timer will go off soon. rex was playing great in his room until malloy started screaming. then we wanted out, too! they took a bath before dinner, had dinner, and were in bed by 6:30. malloy put up a tiny fight, got out 3 times within one minutes, but went right to sleep  once her nightlight got taken away!

mini golf



one of their favorite things to do today was watch all the big kids!  they were the best exhibit! 

malloy asked if binghamton was on this map. i asked "why, what's in binghamton?" she replied, "bella!" 

my future scientist



rex was trying to copy malloy's pose 

making their own ham and pineapple pizzas for dinner - yum!!  (rex piled the entire bowl of cheese on his one  pizza) 

"I'm building a building so the construction worker can work on it"

Sunday, November 25, 2012

we drove back to buffalo today. the kids did ok - they didn't sleep and were getting quite cranky! malloy started to fall asleep just as we were pulling onto our street! the kids were SO excited that we had some snow and were begging to go outside! neal got them all bundled up and took them out while i put the groceries away and started dinner. i got to go out and play for a bit, too! 
both malloy and rex were too tired to chew so they had yogurt for dinner. (hey, at least it was greek yogurt and packed with protein!)  they were both out cold and snoring by 6:45pm!!! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

wednesday was Thanksgiving Feast day at school! i co-oped in malloy's class. the kids were all so excited for the feast! when rex saw me come in with malloy, he LOST it. he was very very excited to see me and then was very sad that i wasn't sitting with him. when it was time for him to go back to his classroom, he melted down and was sobbing. so he stayed with me and played in malloy's classroom. 
after school, we packed up neal's car and drove to newark valley! the kids did great, yet again! i'm so impressed with how well they're doing with traveling! neither one napped but they can entertain themselves for the 3 1/2 hours!! 
we visited grandma val and grandpa don first for a little bit. they were so excited to see all the christmas decorations that were out! we finally got to give grandma val her get well cards!! she's out of the hospital and on the mend (hopefully!!!). then we went to grandma tappy and grandpa gary's house for dinner. they kids LOVED grandma's mac and cheese! 

thursday: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! we got to watch the parade on tv, malloy helped me make some pumpkin pies, and then we were off to visit with grandma val and grandpa don before we went to roro and papa's house. it was a nice quite thanksgiving dinner there. the kids had so much fun with all the toys that roro brought out for them! they had a blast playing with same and max! rex was playing football with the boys and uncle morgan. he was very comfortable with everyone there! he didn't catch a ball, so he'd say "let's try that again" and try over and over. 
then it was off to the second thanksgiving dinner at chapmams'. the kids were very excited that they got to see bella!!!! they had fun playing with her all night. malloy didn't nap at all and was a basket case at the end of the night!! she was very difficult to put to bed! 

friday: both kids woke up with nasty colds and noses that wouldn't quit!!! i had to but a box of tissues to take with us in the car!! we went to grandma val and grandpa don's in the morning to decorate the christmas tree. malloy LOVED decorating the tree!!! rex did, too, but wasn't feeling too great. he spent a lot of time cuddling with daddy. there was a special treat in an advent calendar for the kids. they had a great time eating the m&ms and chocolate santas that were inside the advent drawers! rexy had a great time playing silly games with grandpa! when we were finished, we had to go back and takes naps so we could go visit cousins and then go to dinner. i woke the kids up from naps - MISTAKE! they were both very cranky and ended up each using one of our phones at the restaurant so they'd be quiet. that was a first! malloy put up a fight again at bedtime and didn't go to bed until after 11! 

today we went to visit great grandma jean in the morning, took naps, and then went to bella's birthday party. the kids were both sickos today full of boogers and coughs. malloy was even drinking lemon tea with honey to soothe her cough!! she had the BEST time checking out bella's new house, especially her room! she absolutely did NOT want to leave. she was kicking, screaming, taking her shoes off after we put them on. she just kept yelling "I WANT TO LIVE WITH BELLA!" half of the drive home, she alternated between sobbing and saying "please please PRETTY PLEASE can i live with bella?!" then she snapped out of it once we started seeing lots of christmas lights. then the kids had a great time spotting all the different lights! malloy went to bed a tad better tonight, i threatened to swat her butt if she got out of bed again. that seemed to work!!!