this morning, we went to the gym and then took a quick trip down to the farmer's market. malloy requested that we go "to the one that sells bread". she is a bread addict!! she remembered tshat we got a pretzel roll at the farmer's market in newark valley last weekend and wanted it again! she was so excited to do a craft at the kid's tent and there wasn't one this week :( we were all bummed! so she picked out an almond croissant and we sat next to cousin colin's blueberry tent and had a yummy treat. we scored some free blueberries and then headed back home for lunch. after nap, malloy was excited to find that she got a new highlights magazine in the mail! what an exciting day! we immediately read the entire magazine and the cut out the game in the back and played it a few times. then rex woke up and we played for a bit. malloy loves to make food for us. she comes out, all business, and asks what we would like to eat. i'll order and then she'll tell me that she's out of one thing or another and would i like __ instead. she's all set to waitress as soon as she's old enough for a job!
during dinner, i called malloy "pippi" because she had two braids in. this sparked a whole conversation about who pippi longstocking was. we watched a trailer for the 1988 "the new adventures of pippi longstocking" (one of my favorite movies back then!!) and she was hooked! she wants to watch the movie so bad now!! neal found the movie and she will be able to watch it in the morning. i don't know who's more excited - her or me!
rex continues to crack me up!! he was playing with his play-doh monsters and was telling me what each one of them wanted to do. one wanted to watch a movie, one wanted to slide. he gets so serious sometimes when he's playing!
snacking at the farmer's market |
doing some crafts |
playing with monsters |
please excuse the lack of pants in the video...
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