we had a busy morning starting with the gym and then running a few errands. we went to michael's and got some supplies to make art to hang in the kids' room, target, and wegmans. malloy went in the wkids playroom for the first time. she was so excited to go in - all she wanted to do was play video games. they have a wii and some other game system there. the woman was telling malloy that they have a bunch of toys and malloy struts right in like she owns the place and announces that she'd like to play video games! i am so proud of her for being so independent!
after nap, we made some art!!!! it pretty much turned into fingerpainting the entire canvas one color, but they had fun!!! we're going to put some finishing touches on them before we hang them up!!
uncle ryan came over and had dinner with us. while we were eating rex says "unkyan, i baby" and grins. ryan said "no you're not! you're a big boy." rex replied "no, unkyan big boy." he comes up with the funniest stuff sometimes!
our first wegmans wkids bracelets |
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