monday recap
we had a fun playdate at gianna and kenadee's! the kids had a blast playing with squinkies and running around with their friends. rex is going through a "mine" phase and we are trying very hard to encourage sharing!!! he does ok, but can't help but yell "mine" every time someone gets near him! after nap, we did a fun experiment with food coloring, baking soda, and vinegar. malloy had a blast!! rex made a huge mess and then quickly moved onto something else!! neal worked late and wasn't home for dinner or bedtime. last week i used the phrase "stuck at work". when neal went in to say goodnight, malloy jumped in his arms and said "we were so worried about you! were you stuck?!" she must picture him stuck somewhere! so now every time that neal's working late, she'll ask "is he stuck?!"
rex peed on the potty tonight after bath!!!!!! we'll start actually training over the summer, but it's still exciting!
snow!! |
rex and kenadee were reading books so nicely |
malloy had a fun safari day at school today! she got to bring her stuffed lion in and all the kids went on a safari hunt. we rearranged some more toys today and the kids had a great time playing with "new toys" all afternoon!
malloy's behavior has been excellent over the past few days! she's been very agreeable and listens the first time. she's been getting a lot of stones in her happy jar lately! rex is just rex - a 20 month old boy with typical 20 month old boy behaviors. he's no where near terrible - just very trying at times! good thing he's so cute!
malloy's lion |
one of my favorite hairstyles on malloy |
cheese! |