standing up!! |
snuggling with daddy VERY early in the morning | | | | | | | | | | |
lite brite! |
the day started off pretty good and then we went to the gym. when i came in to pick the kids up, both of them were crying and so was another little girl. malloy had hit the girl, made her cry, and then felt bad so she was crying. rex was just crying because everyone else was! when i was co-oping in malloy's class yesterday, one was her classmates was very defiant and aggressive. she was hitting the kids and the teachers. so malloy picked up on it and tried it out herself :( we had a long talk about how hands are not for hitting and that we need to use our words. she also got tv privileges taken away for the day. she asked a few times to watch something and we talked again about what had happened. she definitely knew that she was wrong and was very somber most of the morning. then she turned into a very clingy kissy girl. hopefully the way she felt when the girl started crying was enough to stop her from hitting again. i really hope she was just trying it out to see what would happen and won't try it again. i know she's only 2 and impulses take over - they just never have before!
other than that incident, malloy had a great day! she filled her happy jar and got a new bracelet. this morning she was "helping" me clean out the basement and we found the lite brite. it came with a travel size one and she loved it! she played with it for about an hour this morning and an hour this afternoon!
rex was pretty clingy today. although i think he pooped about 7 times today so he was probably whining to get changed most of the day!!
a few quotes from today:
malloy: do you have feet?
me: yes. i have bare feet.
malloy: oh. are they polar bear feet?
malloy after i put her shoes on: there's something in there
me: in your shoe? what is it?
malloy: i think it's a big fat ladubug
(when we checked her shoe there was a lite brite peg in it)
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