cutie! |
we finally made it to lego club!!! you would have thought we went to legoland, the kids were so excited!
work displayed at the library |
cool cousins |
we went to the circus at the middle school. 2nd year in a row! entertaining as always! rex wanted to sit next to brenna because "i love her and she knows it"
3D art!
we like order! |
dress up! malloy had the idea to dress up with clothes, hair, make-up and props. she had a list of what we were to dress up as:
malloy's finished 3D art |
one cannot have too many accessories or too much lip gloss! |
field trip to the anderson center to see the binghamton youth orchestra |
this is how malloy and iris enjoyed the show |
rex had stomach bug. it started on a saturday night. he threw up every hour - mostly in his bed. there was a lot of sheet changing! he tried some liquid sunday and then around dinner time, everything came back up. he didn't eat at all on monday, but drank some. on tuesday, he drank some ginger ale, and had a few peanut butter pretzels and then ran to the trout ponds, ran around the park, and then ran back home! he was feeling pretty great! he went to school wednesday but still didn't eat much but a few bites of yogurt. he went to bed around 6:30. thursday, he was finally ready to eat a bit more! phew! it was a rough one for buddy but he was such a good sport through all of it!
daddy surprised us at the park after work! |
three ponytails are cooler than two |
grandma got rex a new blanket! |
malloy had iris over for a playdate on friday - superintendent's day. this is the first time that malloy has had a friend from school over!! she was beyond excited! they were so cute running around together. they played dress up with malloy's clothes and did each other's hair. just being girly girls!
showing me her magic tricks |
malloy gets all worked up and panics and cries when she knows it's time to pull a tooth out! we try and tell her to calm down and that in a few minutes she'll be laughing. so then she went from crying to giggling then crying then giggling. we tried the nerf method this time. we tied a piece of floss to her tooth and the other end to a nerf bullet. we put the bullet in the gun and pulled the trigger! after the 4th time, it came loose enough that neal could pull it out! done!
malloy has mastered riding her bike!! we went to the playground over the weekend. rex and i walked and neal ran alongside malloy. she rode on her own all the way back and she hasn't looked back since!
today, i got a call i never thought i'd get! the principal called to tell me that malloy had gotten in trouble. she was drawing pictures with friends at lunch and ending up drawing some private parts on her picture. a classmate told the lunch monitor on her and they got sent to the principal's office. malloy was crying and very upset to be there. she told the principal several times "i'm one of the best kids in my class!!" when i came to pick her up, she eyed me and then asked "do you already know?" she was a bit nervous. i know that being sent to the principal's office was punishment enough and that she won't do it again!!!
malloy rode her bike and rex tried balancing on his bike without pedals and with neal's help to the trout ponds.
rex's poem at open house |
happy st. patrick's day! the leprechaun came to cause trouble at our house and left us some lucky charms. malloy was disappointed that the leprechaun didn't do a treasure hunt like last year. she has a great memory!!!
the kids rode their bikes (rex is pedaling with neal holding on to his bike) to the trout ponds one night after dinner. it was cool and very windy so we brought kites. the kids had so much fun with them!! rex was freaking out when his kite string would get longer and longer. it was making him nervous! always the nervous nelly!
malloy's definitely a product of her parents! |
malloy's been into music a lot lately! she came home and said "i know the notes to hot cross buns!" we got out the keyboard and she played it! then she wrote the notes down and had neal play it on his guitar and went with it, making the song her own and composing variations of it.
we love to play games!
learning to play happy birthday for papa hank |
movie night! it's such a production!!!! malloy is a fussy princess and has to have everything just so. she brings down her pillows and blankets and has to be as comfy as possible!! it takes a half hour just to get all set up! and she demands assistance. "daddy, can you move this pillow? it doesn't feel comfortable."
malloy and rex went with grandma val to visit roro and papa while i had a dr. appt. they got happy meals and went for a visit. they had a great time playing hide and seek with papa. he gave the kids some treasure - pennies and marbles :)
maloy slept late so rex and i spend some time playing games in the morning! after breakfast, we got dressed and went to AMC to see zootopia. it was the kids' first time at AMC - they loved it, of course! popcorn and giant icees! after the movie, we went to get some shoes and then went to barnes and noble to get a new book.
malloy was lonely, so safina set up an account on hangouts and can now video chat with malloy! they're having so much fun with it! we had a lazy day.
thursday -
we went to grandma's and dyed easter eggs, then the kids drew with chalk, had some freeze pops in grandpa's truck and soaked up some sun!
rodents keep out |
sunbathing! |
we went to lunch with grandma val and grandpa don and grandma's friend eileen to tony's. yum!
after lunch we went through the car wash. rex hasn't been in a car wash since he was 2. you would have thought that we were in a hunted house if you heard the screams!!! malloy was screaming for effect. rex was legitamately terrified a few times. he even asked if he could get out once. all in all, it was an adventure!
i introduced the kids to ALF. they loved it and it was as great as i remember! rex crawled up on my lap and intertwined his fingers with mine. love this cuddly boy (who insists he doesn't love me or anyone else in the family!)
buddies |
saturday- the town had an easter egg hunt in the morning. we walked over with grandpa don, scored some loot, had a donut, played with friends, and went home! later, we went to grandma and grandpa's for an easter basket hunt and dinner.
using a black light to find the glow in the dark eggs |
grandma made the kids a fun surprise and put food in some eggs. malloy saw it and said "this is SO CUTE! thanks grandma!" and gave her a hug. such a sweetie!