magic and breakfast |
the kids were excited that it was warm enough to play outside after school. i had a terrible headache, so i let them play out back by themselves. i watched them play while i got dinner ready. they played so nicely together and i was surprised at the size of the snowballs they made!!!
just like daddy |
the kids got invited to their friends' birthday party. they had a fun afternoon bowling!!
crazy hair! |
the kids had a blast doing some snowman crafts with grandma val!
rex had a great time making little drawings for everyone!! |
day 2 of crafts at grandma's! i think both kids were home sick, so we went up and did more crafting!
we also stayed busy making some chocolate chip cookies- yum!
trouble! |
rex was feeling a little left out when malloy got some of bella's old pjs. she let him wear the minion set :) |
rex has been doing fantastically with staying dry at night!!! he got a new skylander for filling his chart! |
helping with the wallpaper |
reading to daddy |
the kids love to play with their snap circuits. such a cool "toy" to play and learn with!!! malloy makes most of the circuits on her own, rex still needs a little help.
checking out magic cards |
the kids dressed in inside out pjs and white socks for bed in hopes of having a snow day!
no snow day, but they had a sick day instead. they played games, watched some movies and did a project that grandma val dropped off for them to do!
a boy and his skylanders |
they set up "the kingdom of sweets" |
watching a teeny phone screen instead of the giant one in front of them |
grandma found twister hopscotch for the kiddos and they love it! |
rex came home sick from school - the dr called and told me that he had tested positive for strep throat |
my cutie pie! i have to admit, i love helping her pick out her outfits and coming up with hairstyles to go with it! she's got her own ideas most of the time, but when i get to help, i jump on the chance!

all of this cuteness came home sick before lunch today. she had a fever and just wasn't feeling good. the dr. sent her a script for an antibiotic and we thought we'd be good! she wasn't! she had a stomach ache and was dizzy all friday night. she missed her last game and basketball party on saturday. we went to the walk in instead. malloy was a mess!! she was super dizzy, her stomach hurt, she just wanted to be in bed. she ended up having a double ear infection! she also threw up all over herself in the exam room and then felt much better! she scored a pair of scrubs out of the whole ordeal. she got some stronger antibiotics and rested. she was pretty miserable for the rest of saturday - very dizzy and moany. didn't get great sleep. she woke up at 4:30am and felt great! phew! what an ordeal!
this is the back of one of malloy's tests. she finishes and the draws while her classmates finish. |
love to hear him read! proud mama!! |
rex filled out his valentine's friday night while malloy was in bed sick. |
rex had a basketball game and party then he went to lincoln's birthday party. he had a great day!
malloy was feeling well enough to watch a movie saturday night.
aunt amy stopped by and brought the kids lunchables and popsicles to help malloy feel better. she loves her great-niece and nephew!
feet just like her dad |
how she spent her sick time. ice cream and computer |
feeling better |
it was beautiful on sunday, so we decided to go to the park. riding there on her bike was a little much and wore her out. i walked back and got the van to pick her up. rex and daddy stayed to play and rode his bike home.
malloy lost her other front tooth!!!!! look at that gummy smile!!!!