playing school before school. first time in a long time they played together before school without a LOT of fighting!
the kids helped me at the book fair the after their half days on thursday and friday. they thought it was so cool to be in the library and computer lab when nobody else was! they were so well behaved and helpful to the teachers. it was fantastic.
during the book fair, a boy in malloy's grade came up to buy books and was so very excited to get them. when i looked in his money envelope there was a little over 75 cents in it. i had to explain to him that it wasn't enough money to buy anything at the book fair. his face fell and he was so disappointed. i was telling malloy about it at bedtime one night and she started sobbing because it hurt her heart that he couldn't get a book. we discussed a plan. i put $10 in an envelope and wrote his name and teacher's name and book fair on it. i also emailed malloy's teacher so that the envelope got to the right place. malloy ended up delivering the money to the boy and he gave her a huge hug! his teacher found me later at the book fair and thanked me and said that he needed a little boost like this since he's been working really hard at school and his behavior had improved a lot lately. she also said that she'd like to meet the beautiful daughter of mine. i called malloy over and the teacher talked quietly to her. she asked if she knew the boy (not really) and thanked her and said a bunch of other stuff that i couldn't hear. malloy's face was beaming and also very red. we talked about it later and it made her feel good to help a friend. such a great little life experience in helping others! proud of my big-hearted girl!
friday night, rex had basketball practice and malloy and i had girl's night. she was SO excited to hang out in bathrobes and do our nails. love my girly girl!!!
on saturday morning, there was a pancake breakfast to support the newark valley basketball teams. rex had a great time hanging out with his pals, oliver and josh. later, rex went to basketball practice and malloy and i had some more QT.
malloy loves loves loves to cuddle these days! and she also loves loves loves her daddy!
we went to to grandpa gary's in the afternoon to play games and have dinner. we played dynomite, a game that neal played as a kid, and clue jr. malloy LOVES clue after playing it twice, she's hooked!
this morning, rex got up at 6:15. we decided we were going to sneak out to the store and get his friend, tyler, a birthday present for his party. just as i was writing a note, malloy got up. so we took a trip to walmart in our pjs! also, the kids both filled their kindness charts, so it was time to pick out a toy that they'd earned! rex got bungees, an army action figure, and a stuffed snowgie from frozen fever. malloy got lalaloopsy tinies. the kids were riding around in the cart in their pjs and malloy looked up smiling and said, "you're the best, mom!" it really is the little things!
we got home around 9am and started making breakfast for the family! grandma val and grandpa don and grandpa gary came down for breakfast. then it was time to clean the house for bella's birthday party, but not before a game of clue! rex went to tyler's party with neal and i finished cleaning up while malloy watched a movie.
we had bella's 9th family party at our house tonight. poor bella wasn't feeling well but we had a great time with family!
during the party, malloy bit into a sub and her tooth came loose. neal pulled it out the rest of the way! when did she get so big?!
rex LOVED playing with brady and nathan! |
using a purse that malloy sewed with grandma val so the tooth fairy and deliver her money! |