
Sunday, October 27, 2013

friday 10/25: school in the morning, coloring fun in the afternoon! the kids LOVE to color. it's definitely one of their favorite things to do! 

saturday 10/26: we got dressed up and went to ECC for safe and seen halloween! there was a lot of waiting in line - especially just to get in the building!! - but the kids had a blast trick or treating door to door! in the afternoon, we carved some pumpkins, had dinner and then had a movie night! 

we got most of the make-up off!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

mid-october recap!

october 11-13: i went to visit auntie ali, uncle chen, natalie, and new baby caroline for the weekend! grandma tappy and grandpa gary came up for the weekend to hang out with neal and the kids. they had a blast! 

face painting at the farmer's market

glen park!

famous dave's

october 14 - 20: grandma val came up to visit for a few days and to help out while i had my wisdom teeth out. auntie elaine visited with us monday and part of tuesday. she watched the kids for a bit on monday - they had fun!! we went to the park, out to lunch at cheeburger, and then had thai for dinner. i had my wisdom teeth out on tuesday, we said goodbye to auntie elaine and the kids went to mcdonald's with grandma! the next few days were pretty rough for me, so grandma did crafts with the kids for as long as she could - they were getting grumpy and wanted mommy to do everything and not grandma! neal stayed home from work on thursday and friday to help out while i slept a LOT!!! i was feeling a bit better and went to a fundraiser luncheon on sunday while neal watched the kids. then malloy and i went to emery's birthday party! rex wasn't feeling good  so he stayed home with neal :(

trying out some hair accessories that grandma val brought! 

trial run zombie make-up

saturday 10/19: operation keep the kids busy without expending a lot of energy! mani/pedis, car washes, shaving cream paint and extra long bath!
getting a mani/pedi from malloy!

my loves


moving onto shaving cream!

emery's party

monday 10/21: rex stayed home from school just to be on the safe side. the kids napped and then grandma tappy and grandpa gary came back up to visit! we went out to brew pub for dinner after grandpa fixed our roof! no more leaks - THANK YOU GRANDPA!!! :)

fun halloween lunch! 

grandma val sent rex a skeleton costume!

tuesday 10/22: grandma and grandpa came over in the morning to visit. i had a quick dentist appt so the kids stayed with them and played! we took grandma and showed her our library then came home for lunch. we stayed in a had pizza for dinner. we said goodbye to grandma and grandpa before bedtime.

making haunted houses!

neal came up with the 3D aspect!

wednesday 10/23: back to school for rex! malloy and i had to run to the dentist quick, then i had to do scholastic stuff at rex's school. naptime (rex didn't) and then gymnastics! 

school picture! 
 today: rex and i hung out in the morning while malloy was at school. he was so cute all bundled up (it wasn't really that cold in the house!). he watched tv while i cleaned a bit. when malloy got home, we played with their new dice that daddy gave them! they were so excited about them! i made up a monster game with the dice - it was fun!

batman shrek

rex drew the frankenstein on the left and malloy did the witch on the right - all by themselves :)