thursday 7/11: safina and emery came over to play in the morning, then the kids went to safina and emery's in the afternoon so i could go to the dentist. it was a friend-filled day!!!
friday 7/12: zoo day!!! it was a gorgeous day for a nice relaxing meander around the zoo!! we got to start at the playground and then i followed the kids' lead and we saw whatever animal they requested - it was a lot of walking, but they loved being in control! they were being so well behaved, staying right with me and listening so well that they got to enjoy a few treats! they got a train ride, a sno-cone and then pizza! after the zoo, we went to wegmans and then hung out at home for the night!
new entry to the zoo! |
rex LOVED his map. he'd stop at each animal, find it on the map, and then tell us where we were. it was great! |
petting a ferret |
saturday 7/13: we spent the entire day as a family doing fun things to celebrate our anniversary! no work for neal, no errands for me! we went to the farmer's market - visisted with aunt sue, got some yummy foods, and did some art. then we went to glen park - the kids were so excited to show me their secret paths they found. i think this is their new favorite park! they love walking in the streams and climbing on the rocks! i ran back home real quick to to put some food from the market in the fridge, stopped and picked up some frozen lemonades, and came back to the park so we could have a picnic! focaccia bread, pesto, and blueberries! then it was time to climb!!! it was HOT and the kids were running all around - it was NAPTIME!!! after nap, we went to king and i for dinner and then yotality for dessert - what a great way to spend the day with our little loves!!!

malloy's sour blueberry face
sunday 7/14: it was a HOT day!!! we spent a lot of the day in the pool! i ran some errands in the afternoon and the kids got some daddy time!
monday 7/15: we ran a lot of errands in the morning, getting ready for our vacation!!! the kids were good - they were tired of the stores, but handled it without too much whining! it was another HOT day, so we spent our morning in air conditioned stores and the afternoon in the pool!
my little goofball |
today, safina and emery came to play in the morning! it was hot hot HOT! we had the pool, tarp, and sprinkler sent up to stay cool! we went swimming at island park for a bit after nap - malloy swam underwater on her own without her puddle jumper!!! she's getting so good and was just oozing with pride!!
batman hat and underwear - didn't get a good shot |

we've been driving uncle ryan's car for 2 days while the van was being serviced. the kids love it! they found his hats and wanted to wear them :)