wednesday 4/17: the aquarium of niagara touch tank came to the kids' school today. malloy was so excited and planned her whole sea-themed outfit. she wore her sea creatures shirt, her pants with stars (starfish), blue socks, shoes, and headband for the water. i added some fishtail braids to top it all off!
i co-oped in rex's class today, so i got to see rex and malloy touch/hold all the sea creatures! malloy wanted to hold everything. rex held a sea urchin and clam and then when things started moving, he crawled up on me and sat on his hands! i can't blame him - the horseshoe crab was creeping me out!
holding a clam |
poking at a hermit crab |
starfish! |
bubbles! |
thursday 4/18: it was a nice day out! we spent most of it outside!
saturday 4/20: malloy made a new friend at the gym. his name is wyatt and she is completely smitten with him. when i went in to get her on friday, she was running around with him. they were chasing each other, giggling and hugging. she gave him a big hug goodbye. she was blushing when we were leaving and was so excited to tell daddy all about her new friend wyatt! she was so excited to go to the gym again to see him, and she did!
trying out pop rocks |
cuddles |
sunday 4/21: we had a nice sunday at home!
blue nails! |
rex got green thumbnails and some green toes :)
monday 4/22: i was very sick with a stomach bug and spent all day in bed so neal was in charge. the kids got to spend the whole day with daddy! he got to take malloy to school, take rex to the store, and then took the kids to the park and to pick up dinner in the afternoon. they had a blast!!
tuesday 4/23: recovery day! i spent most of the morning on the couch and the kids watched tv and played fairly well together. malloy came out during quiet time and gave me a nice picture. she told me she drew it for me to make me feel better and then gave me the most gentle hug! it was so sweet, it brought a tear to my eye!
"a lot of colorful balloons" to cheer me up! |
wednesday 4/24: i pre-registered malloy for UPK this morning while the kids were at school. i left with a tear in my eye! i can't believe she's old enough for all of this! the biggest thing is that if she gets in the school (there's a lottery system), she'll be taking the bus to school!!!! that's a huge step!!! i just can't imagine putting her on a bus and having her get off the bus, go into school and find her classroom all on her own!! ahhhh!!!
thursday 4/25: we visited the aquarium of niagara today. rex was a little nervous about the big fish - some of them were bigger than he was!! the aquarium didn't take a lot of time to go through, the kids had more fun running up and down a wooden ramp and playing in the shark cage. the sea lions were MIA today :(
4/26: the kids had school in the morning. nothing too exciting today!
walking around in mommy's shoes. silly boy! |