saturday: we had a little valentine's day party at grandma val and grandpa don's. we got to see roro, papa hank, aunt amy, grandma tappy and grandpa gary, and aunt norma! it was so great seeing everyone!!! the kids had a great time!
they didn't take naps but rex cuddled with neal and ended up falling asleep on him. malloy and i played with paper dolls, played guess who, did puzzles, read books, and played computer games! it was so nice to spend so much time with her one-on-one!! by dinner time she was exhausted. i watched her take a bite of pizza and then her eyes rolled and her head went down. i caught her chin and then had neal hold her so she wouldn't fall off the chair if she fell asleep again!!! i've never seen her that tired!
making valentines for our valentine party guests |
waiting for grandma to fix her cinderella dress |
my little princess |
ring pops from aunt amy! |
puzzles |
malloy now loves to play games on my laptop |
sleep princess was falling asleep in her food, so daddy had to hold on to her so she wouldn't fall! |
sunday: we hung out with grandma val and grandpa don in the morning. grandpa made a delicious breakfast - blueberry streusel french toast yum! then malloy did some crafts with grandma while rex played with his toys. after lunch, we went to grandma tappy and grandpa gary's. we played for a bit before dinner. uncle ryan, kari, and bella came over for dinner, too! the kids were so excited to play with bella!! that had a great time together!
making a purse with grandma |
coloring |
rex was making grandpa don laugh with his silly antics |
malloy played beauty parlor - poured us tea, did our hair, and painted our nails (pretended to). it was too cute! |
monday: the kids played with grandpa gary for a good portion of the morning. he built with blocks, made up a game for the kids to play, and read some stories. malloy and rex had so much fun playing with grandpa!!! then it was time to go to lunch with grandma val and grandpa don. rex fell asleep on the way there, but popped right up when we went inside! the kids got a cheeseburger sub, french fries, and a black and white cookie. then grandpa had to go back to work. we went to joann fabrics to pick out some material for an easter dress for malloy. the kids were hyped up on sugar from the cookie and ran around the store for a bit. i finally showed them that there were books that they could read - they sat right down and read all the books in the bin! (we were right next to them discussing material). malloy passed out on the way home - i thought rex would, but he didn't - little stinker!
we played for a bit and made some cookies back at grandma tappy and grandpa gary's, then it was time to go to dinner! the kids did great out at dinner. the restaurant was playing a pop radio station and the kids LOVED it! they knew every song that came on and were singing away. rex's little face would light up and he'd say "i know this song!"
after dinner, grandma val and grandpa don came over to grandma tappy and grandpa gary's. grandma val had to measure malloy and made a bust of malloy's body out of duct tape.
it was a long day the kids didn't have too much trouble going to sleep!!!
more computer games |
playing a game that grandpa made! |
malloy did the dot to to all by herself , counting the while way. it went up to 40 i believe! |
checking out all the fabric at joann's with grandma val |
being good kids reading books |
letting grandma make a cast of her body with duct tape |
today: we got up, packed up, said out good-byes and drove back to buffalo. the kids were amazing on the ride. neither one of them asked for a single toy. they listened to imagination movers, fun, and laurie berkner and had some snacks. it was so nice!!! they didn't nap at all, so they just rested and watched some tv this afternoon. we went to the gym and then came home to daddy making dinner! both kids were exhausted and went right to sleep tonight!