saturday: we went to the gym in the morning, came home for a quick snack and then went to play at our friends safina and emery's! malloy and safina cannot seem to get enough of each other lately and ask every day if they can play together!! they were very excited to play for the second day in a row! rex was pretty good about playing with them or playing on his own. someday you'll have your own friends that are boys, buddy, i promise!! he had fun, though! we came home to a "special daddy lunch" that he had made the kids. he always makes sure to fill up each section of their plates! today it was bologna and cheese roll-ups, cheese puffs, oranges, and some chocolate. both kids napped and then we played in the afternoon, took a painting bath, did some laundry and then went to bed!
rex's version on folding laundry |
she's a pro! |
he's not so much |
malloy's picture of daddy. she has just recently started to include the sky, grass, and sun in her picture. i also love how she draws mustaches on people above their nose. |
fingerpainting in the tub! |
today, we went to the gym bright and early! malloy and safina greeted each other with a huge, long, hug. they were so excited to play again! they asked if they could play after the gym, but we needed to get home and spend some time with daddy!! we ended up making pizzelles - YUM!!! and then doing some crafts. lunch, naps, and then FAMILY MOVIE AFTERNOON! it was our first official family movie (i've been talking about doing family movie night before we even had kids!). we watched hotel transylvania. it was super cute and a touch scary at parts. rex spent the entire movie curled up on neal! (no nap for rex today - in lieu of nap, he chose to put stickers all over his wall and then take them off the wall and put them on his seahorse. very productive use of 2 hours) malloy and i snuggled on the other couch together. it was nice!
bffs |
rex's first collage |
making pizzelles |
mmmmmm, can you just smell them?! |
making safina a "birthday card" |
malloy's new morning routine. she goes in her room and picks out clothes. then she has to lay them all out to "see if they look cute". |
she even has the socks on and her hair tie on top where her head should be!!! (i finally figured out why she was taking SO LONG to get dressed in the morning!) |
after she put on her beautiful outfit, she said "there isn't it so cute?! take a picture:" and posed like this |
rex's naptime activity |
rex's drawing. i told malloy while she was drawing "i love how you make the faces with such detail, it makes me smile!" rex replies "and i just make circles, circles, circles, circles!" with a huge circular arm motion to go with it. |
afternoon movie snuggles |
had to take our own snuggle picture |